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you look good.

Let me tell you a little about myself.


I have always loved writing and history, and to this day, my ability to recount hundreds of historical facts may or may not be because of my childhood American Girl collection.  When I heard that UNC-Chapel Hill had an American Studies department, I knew that this school would challenge and interest me like none other. 


My freshman year at UNC introduced me to the UNC Workroom program and Coulture, a student-run fashion and culture magazine.  The fashion and editorial hands-on experience these programs have given me have opened my eyes to different cultures and backgrounds, and sparked a passion for fashion and lifestyle editorial content.  While this is often very cut throat and superficial, I believe that we can turn this passion into empowerment and love.



I am graduating from UNC in May of 2020 with a degree in Southern Studies and Creative Writing. I plan to move to NYC after graduation.



So if you love fashion, lifestyle, nerdiness and all things pastel, then kick off your heels, pour a cup of tea and stay awhile!

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